Lug 30 , 2020 | Comunicati stampa, In primo piano Con la proroga dello stato di emergenza, arriva anche il via libera a fiere, discoteche e navi da crociera. Luca...
Lug 24 , 2020 | In primo piano
With this statement, BusinessEurope and the signatory European sectoral employers express the clear message to public authorities and trade unions at all levels that European employers are committed to make their best efforts to continually employ and create new job...
Lug 24 , 2020 | In primo piano
Following the special European Council meeting of 17-21 July, EU leaders agreed on a €750 billion recovery fund to help the EU tackle the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The agreement will now go through scrutiny by the European Parliament. ECSA publishes its...
Lug 21 , 2020 | Comunicati stampa, In primo piano
21 luglio, Confitarma incontra i vertici della Luiss Guido Carli di Roma, per promuovere la ripresa dell’insegnamento del Diritto della Navigazione e dei Trasporti presso questa importante università. Da sinistra, Mario Mattioli, Presidente Confitarma, Elda Turco...
Lug 17 , 2020 | In primo piano
The European and international maritime social partners together with 9 international maritime associations, are writing to the leaders of European countries, calling for urgent action to be taken to resolve the serious humanitarian crisis caused by the lack of crew...
Lug 17 , 2020 | In primo piano
In a letter to the EU High Representative Josep Borrell Fontelles, ECSA underlined the need for an extension to the current mandate and the continued European leadership in maintaining maritime security through EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta. “The EU has shown...