Set 29 , 2022 | In primo piano
European shipowners, ports, the cruise sector, shipyards and equipment manufacturers, fuel suppliers, shippers, forwarders and port operators join forces and call on the Member States and the European Parliament to earmark the revenues generated from the inclusion of...
Set 23 , 2022 | In primo piano
23 September 2022 Clean Energy Marine Hubs Initiative officially launched at Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in Pittsburgh. International Chamber of Shipping, International Association of Ports and Harbors and the Clean Energy Maritime Taskforce partner up to develop...
Set 14 , 2022 | In primo piano
Luca Sisto, Direttore Generale di Confitarma è intervenuto all’edizione del 13 settembre di ACT – Alis Channel Talk dedicata a IMPRESE E INNOVAZIONE:FORMAZIONE E LAVORO, LE LEVE DEL FUTURO. La registrazione disponibile a questo link:...
Set 12 , 2022 | In primo piano
Lunedì 12 settembre, presso l’Aula Paolo VI, Città del Vaticano, si è tenuta l’Udienza del Santo Padre all’Assemblea di Confindustria. In un contesto storico fortemente complesso, instabile e mutevole come quello che stiamo attraversando, tale evento è stato...
Set 9 , 2022 | In primo piano
The International Chamber of Shipping is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. “It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of our national associations and our industry...
Set 7 , 2022 | In primo piano
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