In Primo Piano

ECSA Press Release: Management change

04 Oct 2021 Having tangibly assisted in setting up and led the current Secretariat team at ECSA for 4 years, Martin Dorsman, Secretary General at ECSA, and in agreement with the ECSA Board of Directors, has decided to seek other work challenges, as of 1st of October...

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Mario Mattioli incontra l’Amm. Nicola Carlone

Il 14 Settembre, il Comandante Generale del Corpo delle Capitanerie di porto – Guardia Costiera, Ammiraglio Ispettore Capo Nicola Carlone ha ricevuto, presso la sede del Comando generale, il Presidente di Confitarma, Mario Mattioli accompagnato dal Direttore generale,...

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EMSA: Newsletter September 2021

In this month’s edition, we go behind the scenes of the launch of the European Maritime Transport Environmental Report – the first report of its kind! We’re at the biggest oil pollution response exercise in Northern Europe, and we catch up with the Connecting Europe...

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