ICS-ITF PRESS RELEASE: Concerns of rise in number of seafarers impacted by crew change due to new COVID-variants
London, UK. 19 March 2021- Shipping is concerned that the numbers of seaferers being impacted by the crew change crisis are on the rise due to travel restrictions imposed by governments in response to new variants. The latest collective industry analysis shows that...
Industry backs United Nations $5 billion ‘moon-shot’ programme to decarbonise shipping
Joint Press Release issued by BIMCO, CLIA, IMCA, INTERCARGO, INTERFERRY, International Chamber of Shipping INTERTANKO, IPTA and World Shipping Council. Industry partners welcome “moon-shot” proposal from governments to set up a $5 billion...
ECSA: Monthly Monitoring Report – February 2021
Il Monthly Monitoring Report February 2021 dell’ECSA è disponibile nella sezione News dell’area riservata del sito.
8 marzo 2021 – ECSA-ETF: EU shipping needs to attract and retain more women
The European social partners for Maritime Transport, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), continue to advocate the enhanced participation of women in European shipping. On International Women’s...
EMSA: Newsletter february 2021
In this issue: Portuguese and Greek Prime Ministers visit EMSA; Just published: Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2020; Accident Investigation bodies take cooperation framework online; European neighbourhood project steering committees take stock of...
EU shipowners welcome Parliament’s call for a comprehensive approach under FuelEU Maritime
25 February 2021 The Transport Committee of the European Parliament adopted today the Delli Report on more efficient and cleaner maritime transport. The Report calls on the Commission to address under the FuelEU Maritime initiative not only the carbon intensity of...
24 febbraio 2021- Tavola rotonda “Finanza e capitali navigano anche nei porti: strumenti, scenari, rischi e opportunità
Tavola rotonda On Line, "Finanza e capitali navigano anche nei porti: strumenti, scenari, rischi e opportunità promossa da ASSITERMINAL e Confitarma. Fabrizio Vettosi (VSL Club S.p.A.), Andrea Azzolini (Deloitte Corporate Finance), Davide Prete (#CC&G Capital),...
ECSA: European shipping is central to the success of EU’s new trade strategy
24 February 2021 With the launch of the European Commission's Trade Policy Review published last week, the EU is setting a new course for a stronger role in the new global context. "Shipping accounts for 76% of the EU’s external trade so the value of shipping to the...
Press Release ICS: Cutting restrictive trade policies could boost global economic recovery from COVID-19 by 3.4%, finds International Chamber of Shipping
Reducing restrictions on maritime trade could lead to GDP gains of up to 3.4% for national economies, says International Chamber of Shipping. Non-tariff restrictions, such as anticompetitive licensing laws and discriminatory treatment of foreign companies, found to be...
Confitarma: “Navi e porti, svolta green con fondi mirati” – Intervista del Presidente Mario Mattioli a La Repubblica Ed. Genova del 17 febbraio 2021
Confitarma_Navi e porti, svolta green con fondi mirati